Date: December 6 (Thursday), 2018
Place: International Conference Room of the National Diet Members Building No. 1
JISS held the first Research Workshop on Space and Security for members and invited guests. A total of 81 people including a dozen of National Diet members, 20 individual members, 10 corporate members, 13 members from the Cabinet Office, the Ministry of Defense (MOD), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and 26 invited individuals, companies and organizations. The workshop was very successful with intensive expert lectures and rigorous exchange of views with participating members.
Program: (13:30 – 17:30)
・ Opening Remarks: Mr. Satoshi Morimoto, Chairman, JISS
・ Special Remarks: Dr. Hiroshi Yamakawa, President, JAXA
・ Lecture 1: Dr. Shinichiro Tsui (Colonel JASDF), Counsellor, National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office
“Current Trends in Space Security”
・ Special Remarks: Mr. Hidekazu Takakura, Director, National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office
・ Lecture 2: Dr. Ko Ogasawara, Vice President & General Manager, Space Systems Division, Integrated Defense & Space Systems, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
“H-IIA Launch Service: Current Status and the Next Step”
・ Lecture 3: Mr. Tomotaka Ishikawa, General Manager, Sales & Marketing Department, IHI Aerospace Company
“The evolution of Japan’s Solid Rocket”
・ Closing Remarks: Mr. Hiroshi Imazu, President, JISS